Afrohair.com Contact Info

<% Function googleColor(value, random) Dim colorArray colorArray = Split(value, ",") googleColor = colorArray(random Mod (UBound(colorArray) + 1)) End Function Function googleScreenRes() Dim screenRes, delimiter, resArray screenRes = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_UA_PIXELS") delimiter = "x" if IsEmpty(screenRes) Then screenRes = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_UP_DEVCAP_SCREENPIXELS") delimiter = "," end If resArray = Split(screenRes, delimiter, 2) if (UBound(resArray) + 1) = 2 Then googleScreenRes = "&u_w=" & resArray(0) & "&u_h=" & resArray(1) end If End Function Dim googleTime, googleDt, googleScheme, googleHost googleTime = DateDiff("s", "01/01/1970 00:00:00", Now()) googleDt = (1000 * googleTime) + Round(1000 * (Timer - Int(Timer))) googleScheme = "http://" if StrComp(Request.ServerVariables("HTTPS"), "on") = 0 Then googleScheme = "https://" googleHost = Server.URLEncode(googleScheme & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")) Dim googleAdUrl, googleAdOutput googleAdUrl = "http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/ads?" &_ "ad_type=text_image" &_ "&channel=5278323433" &_ "&client=ca-mb-pub-7992326161572058" &_ "&color_border=" & googleColor("A9501B", googleTime) &_ "&color_bg=" & googleColor("FFFFCC", googleTime) &_ "&color_link=" & googleColor("E1771E", googleTime) &_ "&color_text=" & googleColor("000000", googleTime) &_ "&color_url=" & googleColor("000000", googleTime) &_ "&dt=" & googleDt &_ "&format=mobile_single" &_ "&host=" & googleHost &_ "&ip=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")) &_ "&markup=wml" &_ "&oe=utf8" &_ "&output=wml" &_ "&ref=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")) &_ "&url=" & googleHost & Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("URL")) &_ "&useragent=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) &_ googleScreenRes() Set googleAdOutput = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") googleAdOutput.Open "GET", googleAdUrl, false googleAdOutput.Send Response.Write(googleAdOutput.responseText) %> Telephone: 251.391.7160
Mail: PO Box 896 - Mobile, AL 36601

Afrohair.com-mobile is new and growing. The mobile website currently has a hair stylist locator for major cities but will grow to include a hair styles photo gallery. Please visit again and feel free to tell us how we can improve the site.
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